
Feed additives may not contain any undesirable or forbidden substances. Zero tolerance applies to this matter. AGRI VET has placed particular importance on delivering the highest quality for the benefit of animals. That’s why our customers can rely on our products to meet the highest standards and fulfill their needs. For us, this also includes holding the necessary certificates and fulfilling industry specifications. With our high-quality, efficient products, we help you to keep your business profitable and preserve resources at the same time.

Our system for quality assurance is based on unfiltered considerations as to what an effective solution must look like.

  • Insight into the production, willingness for transparency
  • Reliable partnership on equal footing
  • Tackle root causes together with our suppliers
  • Independent and continual evaluation of our work and the system

On the basis of HACCP principles and in cooperation with our suppliers they develop effective measures and also carry out the logistics, thus ensuring that the goods can be attributed to the test reports at any time. At the same time a risk analysis which is continually updated is carried out. We make this transparent in a customer portal for our Quality & Trust partner customers.

Your advantage:

  • Highly increased product safety
  • Enhanced supply security (preferred supply)
  • Fair pricing
  • A sustainable solution, differentiation in the market